We would like to advise of some changes to our pet transport processes and cage requirements. Be assured, animal welfare and health and safety remain our main priority and underpin these changes.
We need to advise that crates with ventilation incorporated in the bottom half will not be accepted at our counters effective from 1st July 2021. Please see image below as example.

Some plastic crates being presented at Air NZ counters are constructed using weak material. The implications are serious should they collapse. There is also risk of leakage should the animal soil.
The bottom half of the crate needs to be solid to enable the live animal stickers to be attached either side, the Air Waybill label is to be placed on the top of the crate. IATA Live animal regulations support these changes.

Just a friendly reminder to those customers who hire out crates and book them on a return flight, please ensure the crate is cleaned out completely and the old Air Way Bill label has been removed. The cargo staff are not responsible for cleaning these crates and they can’t load dirty and soiled crates on the plane.
CAA will enforce the new security process from 01 July 2021.
A reminder that with the new security process, you cannot have blankets, toys or food inside the crates. The only thing permitted to be inside the crate is the animal and some sort of absorbent material such as news paper, shredded news paper or an absorbent mat. As mentioned earlier please ensure the crates have been cleaned and emptied out if they need to be returned.