Container requirements (domestic cats, dogs and caged birds)
Air New Zealand’s rules around cage requirements are there to further enhance the safe carriage of your pet throughout its journey.
Cages that do not meet the requirements below will not be accepted for travel as checked-in baggage.
Pets must travel in a portable animal container which should be made from fibreglass, metal, rigid plastic, wickerwork, wire mesh or wood with a strong framework. Open wire cages are not acceptable. The container must be clean, leak proof, well ventilated and free from any obvious defects. In accordance with IATA regulations, the container must be a suitable size to allow for the animal to lie down, sit up, stand up and turn around with ease. If a container has wheels, they must be removed or rendered inoperable.

Guidance for Dimensions of Container
The data presented above gives a guideline for ascertaining the correct size for a container. They relate to an animal standing in a natural position.
The calculated dimensions are internal container dimensions.
A = length of animal from tip of nose to base/root of tail.
B = height from ground to elbow joint. A+1⁄2 B = length of container.
C = width across shoulders or widest point (whichever is the greater). Cx2 = width of container.
D = height of animal in natural standing position from top of the head or the ear tip to the floor
(whichever is higher) / height of the container (top flat or arched)
Minimum internal container dimensions:
A + ½ B = Length C x 2 + Width D = Height
Snub nosed breeds require 10% larger container
Cage latching mechanisms
The fasteners between the top and bottom halves of your rigid plastic cage must either be the bolt-tighten type or another variety that has a two-step method (such as a screw and dial) to ensure that the latching mechanism is secure. See examples below.
If your rigid plastic cage has latches between the top and bottom halves it will not be accepted, unless there are bolts/screws added in each corner with at least one down each side of the cage. If your cage is longer than 60cms there must be a minimum of two bolts down each side.
Restraint straps or strapping on a cage is not an acceptable means of securing the cage and will not be accepted by the airline.
Door locking mechanisms
For rigid plastic cages, the door hinge and locking pins must engage the container by at least 1.6cm (0.6″) beyond the horizontal extrusions above and below the door opening where the locking pins are fitted.
Within 3cm (1.2″) of the door, either a bolt/screw or cable tie must be applied to ensure the robustness of the door. See example below.
The cage doors are to be strengthened by attaching cable ties to all four corners of the door to the cage to prevent the door from being prised open by the animal. See example below.
Doors that have a ‘twist clip’ around the locking pins are not permitted for travel on Air New Zealand.
Cable ties
Applying cable ties through ventilation holes is not permitted under the IATA Live Animals Regulations as there must be no surface or edge at which your pet can gnaw or scratch.
Cable ties must not be cut short once applied. Cutting cable ties results in a sharp stub which could potentially injure you or your pet.
Additional requirements for small caged birds
Most members of this group rest by perching. For those birds that rest by perching, round perches must be provided per container, the diameter of the perch will depend on the species to be shipped but must be large enough for the birds to grip firmly and comfortably. If there are multiple birds, they must be able to perch comfortably at the same time. The perch must be placed so that droppings do not fall into the food and water troughs. The perches must be placed at such a height that the birds can leave the perch without their heads coming in contact with the roof nor the tail with the floor while perching, but the perches must not be placed too high within the container for the birds to become upset during transport.
For Parrots, (psittacine) that do not rest by perching, suitably sized smooth rails fixed to the floor must be provided so that the birds can feel secure.
There must be sufficient perch space for all birds to perch simultaneously. The numbers of birds will be restricted by the length of perch space within the container.
Pop-up hatches in cages
Cages with a pop-up hatch in the top of the cage will not be accepted for travel on Air New Zealand.
Cage sizes
The following dimensions are the maximum container sizes for pets to travel as domestic checked baggage. Please remember to check your aircraft type when booking your domestic journey with Air New Zealand:
- A320: Height 97cm (38″) x width 79cm (31″) x length 131cm (52″)
- ATR72: Dimensions to be confirmed by the airport origin
- Q300: Height 82cm (32″) x width 75cm (30″) x length 120cm (47″)
Please note that ATR72 and Q300 aircraft may be interchanged at short notice for operational reasons.
Cage examples – Suitable IATA approved carrier
- Adequate ventilation on the upper section of three sides (not including the door)
- Top and bottom fixed together e.g. tightened bolt and screw at each corner. Minimum of 1 fixing on sides for carriers under 60 cm; minimum of 2 if carrier exceeds 60 cm
- Space bar fitted on three sides
- Leak-proof floor
- Locking pins must extend a minimum of 1.6 cm into the top and bottom lips
- Water container
Example of unsuitable pet carrier
This pet carrier will not be accepted for air travel as it has ventilation holes on the lower half of the carrier’s sides and does not include a water container.
Travel cages and carriers for birds
Your bird/s may travel in a bird travel carrier, or size-appropriate cat/dog carrier may be used, provided the required perch/perches are fitted.
For birds that rest by perching, the carrier must include round perches that:
- are large enough for the birds to grip firmly and comfortably (relevant to the species)
- allow for all birds (if more than one) to perch comfortably at the same time
- are placed so droppings do not fall into food or water troughs
- are placed at such a height that the birds can leave the perch without their heads contacting the roof, nor the tail with the floor while perching
- are not placed too high within the carrier for the birds to become upset during transport.
For parrots (psittacine), that do not rest by perching, suitably sized smooth rails fixed to the floor must be provided so that the birds can feel secure.

Top: Acceptable wooden cages for birds. Bottom: Plastic cages are also acceptable provided a perch is available and required.